Donate By making a much needed donation or joining the MNDA of SA, or preferably both. We are always short of funds and appreciate help from a wider circle than our members, who contribute the backbone of our annual requirement to cover running costs.


Account Number: 270629130 at Standard Bank of SA Ltd,
Rondebosch Branch Code: 025009.

Swift Code (essential for International Transfers): SBZAZAJJ 02500911.

Please make sure to notify our Secretary:
Otherwise, we won’t know who to thank.

Donate using SnapScan

Scan this code below using the SnapScan app on your phone.
Get the SnapScan app here.


Become a Member

Annual membership: R800.00
Membership fees are due annually in April
MNDA of SA, Account Number: 270629130 at Standard Bank of SA Ltd, Rondebosch Branch Code: 025009

Please make sure to notify our secretary about your payment:

Please also note that no patient shall be turned away, kindly contact our chair for further information.